The GuppyGuard on the skimmer works great for helping keep fish from entering the skimmer. However, some fish will aggressively try to enter the skimmer and work their way over the top of the guard. They will usually do this using the glass wall of the aquarium to help them. It is difficult to keep these guys out of the skimmer, so we created the GuppyGuard Topper that fits on the top of the GuppyGuard. The topper completely seals off the skimmer opening and stops even the most aggressive fish.

It also allows the skimmer to be pushed below the surface of the water, where it will operate as an internal filter. This allows for several different options.
Use as a very effective skimmer.
Push down a little, where it can operate as both a skimmer and an internal filter.
Pushed well below the water surface to operate as a very effective internal filter.
If you are an existing customer and did not get the topper. Please contact us and request one. We will get it in the mail right away.