Black Hole Skimmers for Powerhead Mount
User-friendly and robust innovative design.
Powerhead configurations circulate filtered, oxygen-rich water back into the aquarium.
Detachable powerhead for easy powerhead replacement or upgrade.
The skimmer is conveniently removable from the powerhead for cleaning and filter replacement.
Easy to reposition the powerhead inside the tank.
Compatible and efficient with the dual-speed BHS-160 powerhead from Black Hole Skimmers.
BHS-160 pumps are equipped with Turbo-plug and output diffusers for enhanced performance.
Also compatible with powerheads like Odyssea 250, Aquatop PH-8, and Max-Jet.
When a BHS-160 powerhead is fitted with Black Hole Skimmers, it returns filtered, oxygen-enriched water to the aquarium at a depth of about 8 inches. This oxygen-rich water spreads evenly throughout the tank, promoting a healthier and more joyful environment for its inhabitants. Black Hole Skimmers are designed to handle up to an inch of water evaporation. Encounter a bit more evaporation? No worries! Our skimmers adapt effortlessly. Simply lower the powerhead for seamless operation. Ready to top off your tank? Lift the powerhead back up for optimal skimmer positioning.
Black Hole Skimmer with Stand Mount
Black Hole Skimmers are designed for easy mounting on a ¾ inch PVC pipe, using an included adapter.
This package comes with a clear PVC pipe, suitable for water depths up to 21.5 inches.
It also features a versatile stand, which you can either fill with rocks or place beneath large rocks for stability.
This configuration allows you to position the skimmer anywhere in the tank, independent of wall proximity.
The skimmer can be powered by a BHS-160 powerhead, or alternatively, any suction source compatible with 16mm, 18mm, or 20mm hoses.
With the pump positioned away from the aquarium walls, this setup ensures a notably quiet operation.
The stand month comes with a 12” length of clear PVC, which will allow to install in water depths of 10 to 21.5”. For deeper water depths ¾” sch 40 PVC can be purchased online or at most home improvement stores. Any suction source, such as submersible pumps, power heads, and canister filters can be used to power the Black Hole Skimmer. The kit includes hose adapters for 16, 18, and 20 mm, which are the most popular hose sizes.
Black Hole Skimmers Filter Media Kit
A 20 PPI Sponge
11 Dual Density Filter Pads
Activated Carbon
A Spare 200 Micron Filter Media Bag
The 20 PPI sponge will filter coarse debris from the water. If placed at the bottom of the filter stack inside the skimmer, where it will be a great biological filter element. The 20 PPI sponge rarely needs to be replaced and should simply be cleaned in a container of aquarium water or reverse osmosis water. The dual-density pads have a coarse side and a fine side. The coarse side should face up, so the coarse debris will be filtered out of the entering water. The water will continue through the pad and the fine side will filer smaller debris from the water. These pads should not be reused and should be replaced when soiled. Reusing the pads will cause the pump to work harder and may damage the pump. Activated carbon is a chemical filer media that will remove odors and very fine particles from the water. Carbon is used in most home water filters, such as refrigerators and under sink water filters, because it removes odors and helps with water clarity. The spare filter bag is included so granular filter media, such as carbon, ZeoLite, and PhosGuard. Filter media such as these can remove odors, ammonia, and phosphates from aquarium water.
Black Hole Skimmers Wall Mount
The wall mount option for Black Hole Skimmers is a bit more intricate compared to the powerhead mount.
Setups using the wall mount are usually very quiet.
This versatile mount supports various pump types, including powerhead, canister, or external pumps.
For a sleek look, you can place the powerhead pump at the bottom of the tank, keeping it out of sight. With this setup aerated water is deposited at the deepest depths of the aquarium.
The comprehensive Wall Mount with Pump package provides all necessary components for this setup.
When integrating with a canister filter, you have the flexibility of using a dedicated canister or a combined input.
For setups involving an external filter, numerous possibilities exist. Our team is ready to assist with any custom designs you have in mind.
Our customers have impressively innovated with the wall mount Black Hole Skimmer, demonstrating a range of creative installations. These include setups with dedicated canisters featuring custom-shaped intake pipes, as well as configurations where the flow is divided into a canister, complete with flow control valves on both the canister and skimmer intakes. We've also observed these skimmers being utilized in cold plunge tanks, popular among health-conscious individuals.
Black Hole Skimmers for Aquariums
Works great as a skimmer or an internal filter.
Automatically places the water intake funnel at the perfect depth below the surface.
Keeps surface water clean and removes surface oil.
Creates an upward flow that keeps deep water aerated.
Pulls suspended debris to the surface where it is removed.
Aerates water as it enters the skimmer.
Large filter media chamber allows for little fish to stay safe if they get in.
Works with many types of filter media.
Includes GuppyGuard™ & GuppyGuard™ Topper to keep smaller fish safe.
As a skimmer very user-friendly and easy to use. After properly positioning the skimmer in the tank, simply turn on the pump and the skimmer will adjust to the water level. Turn off the pump, and the skimmer funnel will rise above the surface. There are no flow-adjustments valves. Black Hole Skimmers simply work, and they work well every time. To use as an internal filter simply place the GuppyGuard™ Topper on the GuppyGuard™ and slide the pump deeper into the water. Much easier to clean than traditional external or canister filters, but just as powerful.